Montgomery County "Ready Radio"
By CFC Watch desk
September 17, 2020

Montgomery County Department of Public Safety’s Ready Radio network broadcasts essential information relative to safety, health, and emergency preparedness in the home, at the workplace, and in our communities. We aim to be the trusted source of comprehensive emergency information in Montgomery County.

Programming topics include, but are not limited to:Map of Montgomery County with radio antenna and words Ready Radio running across

Notifications about county and municipal emergency management services before, during, and after a disaster
Ways people can protect themselves, their families, and their property
Information about other community programs, available services, and volunteer training opportunities
We will also share critical information from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, our neighboring cities and counties, and the 62 municipalities within our own border. Most programming is pre-recorded and played in a loop format 24 hours per day. During an on-going disaster, we will attempt to provide updates at least every hour, and deliver live content during an event if the situation warrants.